Monday, July 9, 2007


Round 2 of competition:

Just to quickly recap on the one that still hasn't been guessed - Humilified

Three more real ones from last 24 hours to have a go at:

And a new one from me "shoutlook" - the expression of frustration when web access sends you message mid sentence. Can I have a point?


Brian said...

humiliated and horrified

amphibibus - Sounds like one of those amphibious bus duck tour buses that drives in the river too

Brian said...

Scholark - Someone who sings the praises of the Blackboard Scholar system in bird-like fashion at the conference.

Brian said...

Calital - a session on the Caliper system by an Italian person?

gs said...

scholark: scholar + ark = 1) a floating retreat used to save members of an academic community from biblical floods; 2) a floating retreat used to save the developers of Bb scholar from biblical floods. as in "the attendees of BbWorld were rescued by the scholark"

humilified: humiliated + petrified = an embarrassing and scared state which one finds oneself in. as in "Mary and Louise were humilified when Hawaian Mike lept from a taxi in front of them"

amphibibus: amphibian + omnibus = a prolonged episode of one's favourite soap opera viewed underwater. as in "the submariners gathered around the screen to watch the latest eastenders amphibibus"

calital: california + italian = type of fusion cuisine. as in "pizza buffs blamed the appearance of pineapple as a pizza topping on the worrying emergence of calital restaurants"

gs said...

ps - shoutlook = 3 points, shurely, for being funny as well as relevant to the conference? well done!

Louise said...

you guys.....
humilified is definitely getting very close - think "things that happen at conferences that you would prefer to forget - for some too many to list but for me definitely the "shoes in san diego" incident.

3 for Brian for amphibibus, 4 for Brian for 2 funny Bb guesses, 2 for Liz's scholark guess, 1 point each for funny non-Bb humilified and amphibibus, and scarily 3 for Liz's calital as referenced in the Boston eating out guide "enjoy a selection from our calital menu - North Californian cuisine in the classic Tuscan style". But -1 for the shameless pineapple reference as you've probably distracted Paul from his work and condemned Mary and I to an evening of trying to find a restaurant that sells pineapple.

Summary - 7 for Brian, 6 for Liz and 2 for me - for shoutlook and portmantwo.

Louise said...

correction (thanks Liz) plus an additional 2 bonus points for me as per Liz's simulpost.

gs said...

humiliated + vilified?! as in "[...] was humilified for her [...] at the conference in [...]"

shockerved: shocked + unnerved = the state in which one finds oneself when one's glib suggestion for a portmanteau turns out to be correct. as in "liz is so shockerved by her correct guess that she feels the need to lie down in a darkened room for a while".

Brian said...

I tried vilified and horrified already. Not sure what else ends in -ified...

Brian said...

humilified - Humiliated and mummified - when you are so humilitated you must be wrapped in bandages to hide yourself.

Or humiliated and deep-fried- you become the Bbworld conference dinner due to your embarrassing session.

gs said...

ooops, sorry brian, missed that suggestion.

blogcessive compulsive disorder (b.c.d.): blog + obsessive... = a worrying condition (see also Web2.ocd*) in which one feels irrationally compelled to check a blog in every free second. as in "she couldn't get out of the room fast enough - her blogcessive compulsive disorder was taking over, she simply had to get to a computer and find out what was happening on the Bb-blogston blog"

*web2.ocd: Web 2.0 + ocd = a serious condition, which makes sufferers unable to log off popular social networking sites lest they miss a comment, discussion, etc, etc.

Mary said...

noffee - as supplied by SHU catering services and the Sheraton hotel
two real ones: kidtail and mapparium

Brian said...

Just realized deep-fried would need to be humilifried. Got caught-up in the moment I guess...

Is mapparium a map of the Boston aquarium perhaps? I went there once. My high school symphony drove the 15 hours to Boston to play outside the aquarium in wind and light rain to random people walking by. Not perhaps our finest moment, as it was very difficult to hear ourselves.

Is kidtail things like Gap Kids, kid retail?

Louise said...

OK, guys, panic over, I'm back from the conference that is inconveniently getting in the way of the competition. Scores update:

+1 for me (simulpost), +4 for Brian for two v funny mummified and deeep-fried suggestions...still not there though on humilified - keep guessing, +2 for Liz for the ocd ones (I hear you) and +1 for Mary's noffee (I know what you mean).

Here are a couple from me:
librian - two people in the same room engaged in an online word battle each with an obsessive need to win
alonizone - a dangerous time for a sufferer of b.c.d. when they realise that their obsessive need to check the blog will be unrewarded for many hours as everyone is in a different timezone and gone home/engaged in real-life/asleep.

btw - is a kidtail a cocktail with no alcohol?

gs said...

nah, if i was that obsessed, i'd question why Brian got +4 points for his 2 humilified suggestions, whereas i only got +2 points for my 2 ocd related suggestions, and nothing for shockerved. what was that? brian is funnier than me? oh...ok then, i fold, no more pseudo-funny suggestions :)

mapparium - it's some kind of giant map type experience, where you're inside a giant globe looking at the maps - kind of like a museum crossed with a map crossed with an aquarium.

Louise said...

1 more point for Brian for lictionary and 2 for me for librian and alonizone

Louise said...

Now Liz, calm down, the blue mist before your eyes is getting in the way of remembering the rules:

2 points for a funny Bb/conference/SHU suggestion for a real one, 1 point for newly made up words. Will deduct 1 point from Brian for the illbeagle use of "fried" and add 1 point to you that I missed re shockerved (cut me some slack, though, it has been really hard to keep up - I've got scraps of paper with notes on everywhere!!)

Also adding two new bonus features - if your made up word is used in the blog by someone else (properly in context) then +2 points. If you suggest new real ones for people to guess (cos I am clearly not going to be able to keep that up on my own) +2 points. Therefore 2 more points for Liz for Mary's use of surridium, +2 to Helen for my use of illbeagle (above) and +4 for Mary for suggesting kidtail and mapparium. Before I recieve any complaints I might have missed some "other people using your word" things but I'll need to go more carefully through all the comments - will be right by tomorrow am UK-time.

Paul Helm said...

you two, or three are going a bit loopy. I used to have a vinyl LP, and the tracklisting was as follows:

Sidey One
The Pidey Pipeload of Hamling
Goldyloppers and the Three Bearloaders
Olympicold BC

Sidey Two
The Populode of the Musicolly
Classicold Musee
Professor X answery most questions on manifold subjy

anyone know who the artiste is?

gs said...

whoops, sorry louise, i was all portmanausted, didn't mean to cause any umpauma. (i didn't actually expect a point for shockerved, after all it was a bit poor). still, impressed with the new rules.

now, paul, there's no need to go all unwinese on us with your basic engly twentyfido.

(difficult to type in this straightjacket, you know)

Angie Donoghue said...

... Stanley Unwin?

Brian said...

I bet Keith knows which band it is...

humilified - humiliated + petrified - when you run such a poor conference session that you freeze up on stage and stand there like a rock, hoping everyone will go away.

humilified - humiliated + terrified - when you are terrified of being humiliated during your session as you have no idea what you are talking about?

faceoff - the conference listening session with client support - face-to-face + Craig Chanoff

Brian said...

I've actually been to the mapparium in Boston I realized. It's that giant glass globe you can walk in which is sponsored by the Christian Scientists. Liz's comment reminded me about it (maybe she has been there too?). Still don't know where the word really comes from. Maybe it is map + aquarium as it is like a glass aquarium but it is all maps?

kidtail - I know what this is now. It's a genetic condition that people in the countryside of my home state are prone to from marrying their cousins!

smodge said...

Portmant-oh = helen when she realises she hasn't got a chance of keeping up with this competition.. or would that be portmantwoe?

Brian said...

Here's a new real one:

Brian said...

scholark - is this a floating school bus by any chance?

new one:
scorfusion - Louise's difficulties in keeping track of the current tally.

I think I'm experiencing some of that alonizone right now, with half of librian not there to write on the blog as well.

Louise said...

panic over people, I'm back. Managed a whole extra hour on the trying to get the timezones sorted. Some score updates:
2 for Liz for portmanausted and umpauma, 4 for Brian (faceoff, bosox, scholark guess and has been very hard), 2 for Helen for getting as much as possible out of her portmant...sadness, 4 for me for Brian's enthusiastic use of librian and alonizone.

Can't comment on kidtail and mapparium - they are Mary's, so need her to adjudicate there. Gonna be in sessions all day today but look out tomorrow for finalisation of this competition and the launch of a whole shiny new one.

gs said...

*sounds of half a librian struggling off sick-bed, and sniggering at kidtail*

go on, brian, i'm with you in spirit. hey, if we combine our scores in some sort of unholy allegiance (unholgiance) we can probably win this by default...of course, the downside is we'd have to share the prize. hmmmm...

a new one, with thanks to sky news (on the hour, every hour):


smodge said...

kidtail = goat story


smodge said...

(but spelled wrong)

Brian said...

Isn't a new one like bosox supposed to be 2 points? I think you only gave me 1 for it.

If Liz can scorplain*, then so can I!

scorplain - complain about the score (derivative word from scorfusion)

compayment - a payment from Blackboard to Paul to have SHU keep them company in the international reception.

Louise said...

you're right Brian - I'll put it right later today - sorry

Louise said...

ohmigod, it is just like one of those management/team building things - you know, where the activity starts with intense competition and then the teams realise that the only way to achieve the objective is to pool resources and cooperate - i'm so very, very proud. And in keeping with the whole Lewis Carroll theme to the activity, I'm going to make a dodo decision "All have won and all shall have prizes!"

Mary said...

OK, Louise got kidtail, Liz got mapparium, though I think Brian should lose a point for having been there and failing to get it.

Two new real ones: appdex and geolocation. I'll give you a hint: they were generated in the Blackboard Reference Architecture pre-conference workshop I went to.

gs said...

much as i love the thought of paul-helm-at-international-bb-reception-shock making sky news, i'm afraid that's not quite right, brian...

Brian said...

appdex - an appendix/index of the Blackboard application?

gs said...

bosox: bosseyed + oxen = a crosseyed animal belonging to the cattle family (yorkshire slang). as in "i'm afraid this animal can't win first prize in the barnsley cattle show, mr. satterthwaite, as it's imperfect - look closely and you'll see it's actually a bosox."

or possibly = boston red sox...

Brian said...

Liz is correct (in her second guess, not the oxen one...)

Louise said...

OK - I'm back - revised scores from this thread:

Brian +1 (I owed him), + 1 each for scorplain and compayment, -1 punishment from Mary (+2)
Liz +6 for 2 correct guesses (bosox and mapparium) and me +3 for kidtail.
Mary +4 for new suggestions of appdex and geolocation.

You know, this is getting harder for me as I am now a scorper (score and pauper) ie a person who is trying to keep tabs on the scores but has used up the pitiful amount of paper available in their hotel room.

btw - I have managed to weave one into the portal presentation tomorrow (not sure whether Mary will approve, Paul certainly won't) - is that worth a bonus??

Louise said...

Gonna try to wrap this competition up now (and launch another) so just wanted to pick up a couple outstanding:
humilified - so close and yet...humiliated and mortified as in "Paul has very much enjoyed Louise being humilified as he mentions the san diego shoe incident at every opportunity, but fear not 'Revenge will be mine' says Louise"

Scholark - the everso hilarious free gift we got in our conference bags to celebrate the continued success (yes, Angie/Brian, that is what they said) of the Bb social bookmarking tool, Scholar - yes, you guessed it, it is a Scholar bookmark!

can everyone who provided ones to guess, provide the answers, they are driving me crazy... thanks