Thursday, July 12, 2007

New competition

I've been promising (threatening) a new competition for a while now, and with Liz on hols I thought there might be a chance for someone else to win a fabulous prize!...Please don't be put off by the challenge you do not need to know Bb inside out to play. There has been a lot of talk about Project NG (ie the next generation of Bb which incorporates a lot more ajax and dhtml ie is more googley/web2.0), so the competition is:

"If I were designing Bb NG I would......" (please complete this sentence in 15 words or less, ie 15 extra words) .

The scoring is as follows:
- a sensible feature/enhancement suggestion 1 point
- a humourous suggestion (as judged by a panel of experts) 2 points
- a suggestion that incorporates any of our new portantabulary in a way that makes sense in context 3 points.

Plus an overall star prize for the very, very best suggestion....enjoy....

Got to go get ready for session now, but will be on later to share with you the client appreciation party extravaganza and other sessions I've been to.


smodge said...

If I were designing Bb NG I would.. develop really good* sharable student calendars, with colour co-ordinated module calendar synchronisation, integrated timetabling** and rss calendar feeds.***

* as opposed to really rubbish ones like we have now
** yes I know this is highly unlikely
*** 15 words is impossible to convey it's greatness, I could manage no less than 18..

smodge said...

If I were designing Bb NG I would.. illbeaglley* make integral much of Agilix's Backpack functionality, so whole modules maybe easiloaded* for offline use.

* It is obvious that I never quite grasped shumanteaus
**New Shumanteau to deal with unreasonable word limit (easily + download)

(It's jolly quiet here today..)

Louise said...

well it is looking good for you winning the competition so far - only 1/2 marks though for blatantly disregarding the word limit rules but excellent suggestions! - yes I have assimilated to much used word "excellent" into every sentence as a Bb-tribute.

Brian said...

...allow users to reorganise materials/menus in their online view (Backpack online) how they want.

Brian said...

have a glossary which will create your own lictionary automatically (which is actually a combination of name +ictionary for that user). So for me, brictionary.

Brian said...

allow dragging/dropping of files, menu items, etc. so is faster to change your site.

Abbi said...

If I were desiging Bb NG I would...know I'd gone to the wrong office this morning.

Helen said...

..cater for students suffering with 'web2.ocd' by enabling RSS feeds.

Helen said...

...avoid an outbreak of 'shockerved' staff by keeping it simple and easy to use.

Helen said...

...allow 'e-qualion' by enhancing discussion boards and reducing confusion from 'multimenting' by highlighting new comments.

Brian said...

allow possibility that students can self-group

allow random grouping of students automatically

make it easier to create groups and put students in them

Louise said...

Some scores:
H - 1/2, 1 1/2, 3, 3, 3
B - 1, 3, 1, 1, 1
A - 2 +1 for making me laugh.

smodge said...

While I would of course love to take the credit for Helen L's 3 pointers - I'm afraid I can't..

did I get a bit of a point for using illbeagaley (sp)almost (not)in context though?

Louise said...

oops sorry - I'm just so used to HRs ultra-competitiveness, pleeeaasse forgive me.

Bonus point each for the Helens - one as an apology, one for the honesty thing - I'll revise the scores....

illbeagley - got 1 and 1/2 points - would have been 3 but too many words therefore 50% penalty :-)

smodge said...


Tell you what if you ok my annual leave request I'll not whinge about it.. :)

Brian said...

A code-speak translator to assist non-developers when attending the developer's conference.

Brian said...

allow easier adding of tags to scholarks.

Brian said...

include a scanalyzer that scans and analyzes if you should be allowed to use Blackboard.

Brian said...

allow tagging of items, assignments, tests, etc to provide a theme-based path for learning.

Louise said...

oooh - Brian's been busy being "developed" - additional points for Brian (2,3,3,1=9)

Andrew Middleton said...

a special guide for Andrew to stop him asking Mary/Brian/Helen stupid questions.
(obviously I need a guide that reminds me to check the Bb-support tab, but then this is such a bad idea because I'd need a special special guide to remind me to check the... oh f***)